
A chilly rainy day

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm sitting here under a blanket, smelling the pot of bean and bacon soup Tom has simmering on the stove. YUM! It's a perfect soup day. I've mentioned to Tom and the kids what I've been doing here with my grocery trips. Tom, not doing the major shopping very much was shocked at how much I've spent in less then a month. I don't blame him I tend to look at the amount and say OMGosh too. But it takes a lot of food to feed a lot of people. In the grand scheme of things $250 a week isn't unheard of, especially for 12 people. Still, it's more then I'm used to spending or would like to spend ($0 would be nice thankyouverymuch lol).

$250/wk isn't accurate either since what I bought will be eaten over the next few weeks instead of when I bought it. I know I'll still be spending money those weeks, just not the huge chunks like I just did. Unless of course I fall into the common shopaholic trap of thinking it's ok to shop and spend since it's food. I know I've done it before and can easily do it now. I mean here I'd just bought a boatload of groceries and I was still checking out grocery ads on Sunday. Not a good idea. Especially when I saw the chicken breasts I bought for $1.69/lb last week on sale at the same store for $1.39!!! Boooo! (hmmmm I'm going into the dentist again on Friday...should I buy another few bags? lol) If I was comfortable with my pressure cooker I could buy a bunch and can it. Then I wouldn't have to worry about having freezer space. But I'm not yet. Guess you have to start somewhere. I'll think about it.

So yesterday we went off plan already. I never got spanish rice going so told the kids to have nachos and sandwiches. I think we'll have spanish rice on Wed and move the Shrimp alfredo to Friday, but not positive yet.

I think in the next day or so I'll be taking inventory. Then I can get an acurrate picture of how far what I've purchased in the last few weeks will last.

Wegmans 11/10

Yep, I went shopping again! I guess the amount I already spent wasn't obscene enough....we had to go for XXX! Actually Wegmans has lowered their prices on a bunch of staples for the holidays. We were out of milk so decided I'd go there and pick up cheap staples while I could. I'm getting to the point that I'm going to have to invest in a few totes for storage. Way back when (before my life was devoted to driving in the OPPOSITE direction everyday) I had a Sam's club membership and bought 25 - 50lbs of bread flour every 2wks. Now that I'm not making bread as much (but want to get back to that again) I haven't needed the huge supply so 20lbs here or there was fine and my totes were relegated to other tasks. (like a chicken nesting box lol) I don't think I want to reclaim them for my flour bins.

6.32 8 loaves homestyle bread
.99 loaf giant bread
24.32 80% ground beef - $1.99/lb
4.70 2 gallons skim milk
4.78 2 gallons 1% milk
1.98 2 bags brown sugar
1.98 2 bags powdered sugar
3.98 2 bags granulated sugar
2.98 2 bags flour
8.28 12 cans tutrosso crushed tomatoes
8.28 12 cans tutrosso tomato puree
2.07 3 cans cranberry sauce
8.76 4 large bags frozen corn
.89 bag frozen corn, 1# (mistake...missed putting it back)
2.67 3 bags frozen mixed vegetables, 1#
3.98 2 boxes cinnamon square cereal
3.19 large jar spanish olives
1.98 2 muffins (eaten in the by me)
1.49 Edy's frozen fruit bar (eaten in car...not by me lol)

Total - $94.38 ($94.22 + $.16 tax)

Running total since 10/17 - $1023.80

Menu...November 9 - 15

Monday, November 10, 2008

Having spent an obscene amount on groceries this last week, you'd think this meal planning gig would be easy. Then why can't I just whip 7 meals off the top of my head and be done with it??? Thinking....thinking...thinking....

Sunday... UB's birthday dinner...Steak, salad, french bread, chips, cheesecake
Monday... Spanish rice
Tuesday... In honor of Veteran's day...NAVY bean and bacon soup, bread
Wednesday... Shrimp alfredo and linguini
Thursday... Dentist appointment...has to be easy...Chicken patty sandwiches, carrots and dip
Friday... Grilled cheese and tomato soup
Saturday... Beef roast